Web Development

Latest Information from Digital Marketing

May 15, 2024, 0 Comments

Essential Tips for Web Developers to Improve Rankings

In the fiercely competitive world of online marketing, web developers often find themselves struggling to achieve high search rankings....

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Google SEO Algorithms

September 20, 2022, 0 Comments

10 On-Page SEO Tactics to Combat Google’s Latest Updates 2022

Google’s latest updates to its search algorithm, known as the “Mobilegeddon,” may have caused a significant ranking decline for...

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July 25, 2022, 0 Comments

14 Mistakes Developers Make When Building Web Applications

‍ What are the biggest challenges with creating an application that users love? The development process! Creating a successful...

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November 12, 2021, 0 Comments

How To Select a Domain Name For New Business? Detail Guide

In the process of starting a new business, many entrepreneurs face a common problem: what should they name their...

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The Pros and Cons of Custom Web Development

September 12, 2021, 0 Comments

The Pros and Cons of Custom Web Development

Web development is a complicated term. It can be applied to web design, web engineering and any type of...

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